1312 異象
Vision 1312
「1312」是我們在北聖荷西谷95131和95132二個郵區收割的異象。2006年教會面臨聚會場地難處,在尋求之中,神藉著聖經的話語賜下1312異象,呼召我們從Los Altos搬至北聖荷西谷傳揚福音,並為這片禾場呼求復興。1312異象之旅充滿了曲折起伏,更充滿了神蹟奇事,一路上滴滿了脂油。我們因此相信,神所應許1312的復興,必然來臨!
回顧2006年初,我們所租借的Los Altos安息日會要出售,我們被迫搬離,情急之間,會友們四出遍尋場地卻毫無所獲,教會切切尋求,並查閱人口普查資料,發現了北聖荷西谷這一亟待開發的禾場,其中有95131和95132二個郵區,被680公路貫穿,左右分開,丈量其中住宅區,5平方英哩內有多達12,000個中國人,卻沒有中國教會,我們開始對這片地區有了負擔。此時,神用詩篇六十篇對我們說話,不但顯明當時的艱難光景,還指明Los Altos以東、被680分開、被我們丈量的北聖荷西谷,後來更發現1312地區的華人總數,與詩篇引言中的12,000人完全相符。自此,教會確認了1312禾場收割的異象,開始了1312異象之旅。
你是我從地極所領來的,從地角所召來的,且對你說:你是我的僕人;我揀選你,並不棄絕你。你不要害怕,因為我與你同在;不要驚惶,因為我是你的神。我必堅固你,我必幫助你;我必用我公義的右手扶持你。 (以賽亞書41:9,10)
靠著這段經文,教會在格外的艱難中稍得安慰,並再次開始尋找場地。經過這次事件,教會決議購買會堂,建立長久的福音基地。一年半之後,發現這幢位於Montague Expressway的建築,地處交通要道,行政屬Milpitas市,卻座落在1312禾場範圍內。眾人禱告後,確認這是神所賜的佳美地業。雖然當時教會僅有8萬元建堂基金,但祂用話語來堅固我們:
地和其中所充滿的,世界和住在其間的,都屬耶和華。(詩篇 24:1)
我要將暗中的寶物和隱密的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的, 就是我─耶和華、以色列的神。(以賽亞書 45:3)
“1312” is our harvest vision for the North San Jose area with zip codes 95131 and 95132. When we were struggling to find a new location in 2006, God gave His words and a vision for “1312”. He called us to leave Los Altos and move east to North San Jose to preach His gospel and to bring revival to the “1312” area.
In early 2006, we were forced to move when the Seventh Day Adventist church we were renting for services was put on sale. Our church members went out to look for suitable meeting places in various cities, but to no avail. We cried out to God for help in desperation. In the process, we researched the 2010 Census and found that there were 12,000 Chinese people who lived in a measured 5 square mile residential area in north San Jose within 95131 and 95132 without a Chinese church. We became burdened for this part of San Jose. At the same time, God used Psalm 60 to affirm the things that were happening to us, including the desperation we were facing, the geographical division by highway 680, and the measure off of 95131 and 95132 in North Valley. Most importantly, the Chinese population of 12,000 in 1312 area, was the exact number of people overtaken by Joab stated in Psalm 60. Therefore, the vision “1312” was confirmed and we embarked on our journey into the 1312 area.
“You have shown your people desperate times; you have given us wine that makes us stagger.” (Psalm 60:3)
“God has spoken from his sanctuary: “In triumph I will parcel out Shechem and measure off the Valley of Succoth.” (Psalm 60:6)
“Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?” (Psalm60:9)
“Joab returned and struck down twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.” (Introduction to Psalm 60)
First, we were able to lease a warehouse off 880 and Montague Expressway. We finished remodeling the building to assembly use in a year and a half, experiencing many miracles throughout the process. Our church has a daily devotional which runs through the whole Bible, one chapter a day, in three and a half years. The day after we received the building permit, it fell exactly on Psalm 60. This again affirmed God’s guidance in our vision.
After moving into the “1312” area at the end of 2007, the whole congregation, not only prayed eagerly for revival, but also reached out to the community with various ministries. Unfortunately, a year later, a Buddhist Foundation “Tzu Chi” purchased the building we were in and became our new landlord. We were shocked by the news, confused and worried. In the midst of our agony, God reaffirmed His calling with His words from Isaiah 41:9-10:
“I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.“ (Isaiah 41:9-10)
Everyone was greatly comforted by God’s words during this difficult time, so we went out to look for other possible meeting places.
Because of the complications encountered in renting, we decided to purchase a building so we could establish a long-term base for the Gospel in “1312”. After searching for a year and a half, we finally found an office building. Although it was on Montague Expressway under the City of Milpitas, the location was within the 1312 harvest field and we would have great visibility. After intense prayers, we confirmed that this was the goodly heritage that God had provided for us though we had only $80,000 in building fund. Again, God strengthened us with His words:
The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalm 24:1)
I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (Isaiah 45:3)
By faith, we gave an offer on the building, and we were picked among four buyers. However, in the process of signing the purchase agreement, we discovered that the title of the building was not clear. The seller refused to clear the title and walked away from our offer. In our frustration, we found out the building was to be put up for auction due to the mortgage default. It gave us renewed hope and we began to prepare ourselves to participate in the public auction. To our surprise, the auction was cancelled at the last minute because the owner had filed bankruptcy to block it, so she could have more time to sell the building. The bankruptcy lawsuit went on without a definite end in sight. The auction sale fell through five times. Then, some brothers and sisters began a daily noon time prayer meeting to claim God’s promises, and to encourage one another in this strenuous test of our faith. Eight months later, the lawsuit finally came to an end. The bank was given permission to auction the building again.
On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2011, we bid one cent over the opening bid and bought the building though there were more than ten bidders. From the original selling price of 2.8 million to the final sale price of 1.37 million, every one of us marveled at God’s mighty work. The “treasures of darkness” was thus revealed to us at that time.
“When God calls, He shall provide.” Through the acquisition of the church building, God reaffirmed the vision of “1312”. Now with this gospel base secured, we endeavor to harvest this field with fervent prayers, outreach programs, discipleship training, and joining hands with other churches in this area.
May the great revival arrive soon, like a torrential shower pouring down on “1312”!